Monday, 16 April 2007

Bowled Over

On saturday I rang up Vendel Miniatures and spoke to Derek about my order. It seems they ran out of metal for a fortnight, putting them behind. On top of that were their orders from Triples and all orders since. They will be going to Salute in a few days time. Derek said he was working all weekend to catch up with the orders and should receive my border reivers tuesday hopefully.

Went to the club tonight. Finally had my much anticipated 15mm ACW game with Dave Tuck. In our 15mm ACW game Dave and I were Union, each using our own figures. Steve Mercer and Ron Skeet were Confederate using Steve's figures. Other games going on were:

War of the Spanish Succession: Paul Robinson vs his son;
Romans v Carthaginians: Dave Hewins (Romans) vs Andy Hamilton;
Swedish Napoleonic era: Mark Alcock (Swedish) vs John Ogden (Prussian)

Dave Hewins RomansTook photos from all games. Over 100 which is a bit mad even for me. A lot didnt come out as usual but a decent amount did. Had a glance through them. There are some good shots from at least 3 of the games. Undecided on one of them. As there is a lot, cannot give previews from all games tonight but can give 1 preview. Read my blog in the next day or so as I will post some more. This preview (above) is a shot of Dave Hewins Romans.

Encountered an unusual problem tonight, though I think it will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Lighting. It was too bright taking photos. On the other hand, it means there will be no need to brighten them up in Paint Shop Pro, just sort the good shots from the bad shots. Hope the lighting stays that way.

To my surprise, Dave Tuck not only let me keep my copy of the Whipping Bobby Lee playsheet, he also gave me his Border Reivers as he was not that interested in them plus the Border Reivers rulesheet. Thanks very much Dave. We won't see Dave for at least 3 weeks as he is disappearing to the Caribbean. If he runs into any pirate ships, I'm sure he'll know how to sort them galleys out. Shiver me timbers.

Looking forward to receiving my replacement Border Reivers from Vendel, hopefully tomorrow. All the best photos will be on the website in approx. 7 days time as usual.

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