Monday, 26 March 2007

25mm War of the Spanish Succession and the Maritime Powers

Went to the club tonight but did not participate in a game. There was a huge 25mm War of the Spanish Succession Wargame in action on our 18 foot table. I took some photos, most which turned out well. I will show some to you but the remainder will be put in a gallery on the Grimsby Wargames Society Website as usual.

The British Artillery Piece above belongs to Mark Alcock, as do the soldiers in this other photo below. On this occasion Paul was using Mark's figures and vice versa.

Here are some photos of Some of Paul Robinson's figures:

The Mounted Commander in blue is Marshal Vilroy.
These other smashing figures by Paul are Bavarian Dragoons.

The only editing that was done to all these photos was a little resizing and brightening up using Paint Shop Pro. Sometimes photos need a little brightening up. It was also done to try to reproduce the light level in the room.

Other players taking part in the 25mm War of Spanish Succession game were Andy Sharp, Andy Hamilton, Tony Waumsley and John Ogden.

Also today:

Picked up my copy of Rapid Fire! 2 from Dave Hewins Model Shop along with some new paintbrushes to paint my border reivers.
Whilst in mid-game, the other players in the above game gave helpful hints as to painting my reivers. So I must remember not to paint them in bright colours, possibly put a St George Cross on their shields and look for some photos of reivers on google as an example of them.

This backing up my PC is taking ages but then I realised earlier today that I was backing up at least 30GB on data DVD.

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